TYPE: Retreat/Workshop
DATE: 2/1/2025       TIME: 9:00 AM
LOCATION: Mayflower Room, PPS Central Offices
9:00 AM 1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Chairperson's Call to Order Info
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance Info
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
1.3 Land Acknowledgement Info
"We acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded ancestral homeland of Indigenous People whose enduring presence we humbly recognize. We honor the Wôpanâak People as the original stewards and the Herring Pond Wôpanâak as the surviving tribe indigenous to these lands. In our commitment to lifelong learning, we acknowledge historical injustices to the native people of this land and vow to educate ourselves, our community, and our students on the First Peoples and the hardships they endured. We offer this as a small, but essential, step towards building a culture of respect, truth, and accountability."
9:02 AM 2.0 School Committee Matters
2.1 New Member Onboarding Publication Info
To discuss the creation of a new member onboarding publication. Discussion will include what the contents of potential publication should be and if there should be a subcommittee to work with new members throughout the onboarding process.
2.2 School Committee Self-Evaluation Info
To discuss the establishment of a School Committee self-evaluation process. The Committee will look at what MASC has outlined for committee self-evaluations and discuss if this is something that should be developed and utilized moving forward.
2.3 Dissemination of Subcommittee Meeting Information to Committee Members Info
To discuss the most efficient way to disseminate subcommittee meeting information to other school committee members in a timely manner.
2.4 FY25 Budget Update Info
To receive an update from School Business Administrator, Dr. Adam Blaisdell, regarding the status of the FY25 budget.
2.5 Policy Discussion: Policies DKC and JFAA Info
To discuss MASC Policy DKC (Travel Expense and Reimbursement) and discuss any necessary changes in language that may need to be made for domestic vs. international travel and MASC Policy JFAA (Proof of Residency) and discuss any necessary changes that need to be made.
11:32 AM 3.0 Executive Session
3.1 Executive Session - Safety and Security Action
The School Committee will enter Executive Session to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect thereto pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21 (a)(4).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the School Committee enters Executive Session to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect there to pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21 (a)(4).
3.2 Reconvene to Open Session Action
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the Committee reconvene to open session.
12:02 PM 4.0 Adjournment
In compliance with Open Meeting Law, this agenda lists all topics that the chair reasonably anticipates, 48 hours in advance, will be discussed at the meeting.